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Croatia is one of the few countries in Europe that is inhabited by three large carnivore species: bear, wolf and lynx. Keeping the carnivore population stable is important for ecological, economic and ethical reasons. It is also directed by international convention and other acts. Members of Bioterra have participated in several national and international projects in which all three large carnivores were researched, as well as other carnivores such as golden jackal and wildcat.

Mjerenje uspavane divlje mačke
Praćenje VHF signala obilježene živo
Uspavljivanje životinje puhaljkom
Uspavljivanje životinje puškom
BROWN BEAR, Ursus arctos
Brown bear
A bear named Željka (F)
Željka (female)
Trag medvjeda
A bear named Mićo
Medvjedica Lidija i Lidija
Mladunčad u Gorskom kotaru
Vuk obilježen GPS ogrlicom
Trag vuka, voda
Vuk obilježen GPS ogrlicom
Trag vuka u blatu
Vuk obilježen GPS ogrlicomJelica 2
Vuk obilježen GPS ogrlicom
Vuk obilježen GPS ogrlicomJelica
Vuk obilježen GPS ogrlicomDSC_0201
Trag vuka u snijegu
GRAY WOLF, Canis lupus
Ris obilježen GPS ogrlicomDSC_6294
Ris obilježen GPS ogrlicom
Ris obilježen GPS ogrlicom
Ris obilježen GPS ogrlicom
Trag risa
Ris obilježen GPS ogrlicom
WILDCAT, Felis silvestris silvestris
Divlja mačka obilježena VHF ogrlicom
Divlja mačka obilježena VHF ogrlicom
Divlja mačka obilježena VHF ogrlicom
Mjerenje parametara divlje mačke
Divlja mačka obilježena VHF ogrlicom
Divlja mačka obilježena VHF ogrlicom
GOLDEN JACKAL, Canis aureus
Čagalj obilježen GPS ogrlicom
Postavljanje GPS ogrlice na čaglja
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is ment for general information purposes only and Bioterra assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the contents.

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