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  1. Scientific and professional research of biological and geological diversity with the aim of inventorization and protection of species and habitats, population monitoring and biomonitoring in general,

  2. Advancing and promoting the protection of biological and geological heritage and encouraging the creation and implementation of new programs and protection measures,

  3. Scientific and professional ecotoxicological research with the aim of protecting the species and habitats from pollutants,

  4. Proposing and implementing projects and programs aimed at exploration, recording and protection, i.e. conservation of nature, including biological and geological diversity,

  5. Providing professional assistance in education in the field of biological and geological sciences,

  6. Creating, translating, publishing, distributing and selling all types of publications (popular, professional and scientific) related to the activities of the Association,

  7. Organizing and participating in professional and scientific meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops, travels and similar activities which are accordant with the objectives and activities of the Association,

  8. Education of the public as well as public propagation of effective implementation of nature and environment protection measures,

  9. Collaboration with similar associations and organizations in Croatia and abroad to achieve the aims of the Association.

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